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Visionsgruppe for Sidmouth

Last Updated: 59 days ago
Ukonstitueret (en gruppe af individer)
Meget aktiv
  • Voksende samfund
  • Andre fødevareprojekter
  • Natur
  • Fællesskabshub eller aktiviteter
  • Festivaler, messer eller begivenheder
  • Kunst / kreativitet
  • Fællesskabsvisioner/fantasiarbejde
  • Opbygning af lokale netværk
  • Projekter inden for lokaløkonomi eller ny økonomi
  • Del, reparer eller genbrug
  • Energi
  • Transport
  • Andet

The Vision Group for Sidmouth has been an active part of Sid Valley life for almost two decades. Set up in 2005 it is now a determinedly independent and non-political group. We work both alone and with local people, organisations and Councils, taking up initiatives to improve or protect Sidmouth and the valley; promoting heritage, the local economy, and sustainability. We also try to see all sides of an issue in order to stimulate informed debate on the future development of our area; you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

The VGS took on the Sustainable Sidmouth brand when it became a Transition Town in 2008 – as part of the Transition Town movement. The ‘Sustainable Sidmouth’ rubric has become more important over the years as the notion of ‘sustainability’ has gained ground – but also with the launch in 2021 of the Sustainable Sidmouth Champions Awards [which were followed up with the 2023 Awards]

As the Transition Town movement is concerned about the impacts of climate change, the VGS has also launched its SolarPunk Sidmouth website looking at ‘realistic optimism’.

And it has joined with other groups in the Sid Valley – from the Town Council to the Churches to the Science Festival – to set up the Climate Awareness Partnership Sidmouth.

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