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ECO Action for Windsor and Maidenhead

Last Updated: 60 days ago
These include visitors to the Hub and at events.
No constituido (un grupo de individuos)
Muy activo
  • Crecimiento comunitario
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Naturaleza
  • Centro comunitario o actividades
  • Festivales, ferias o acontecimientos
  • Arte / creatividad
  • Visión comunitaria / trabajo de imaginación
  • Creación de redes locales
  • Bienestar o transición interior
  • Proyectos de juventud o educación
  • Compartir, reparar o reutilizar
  • Energía
  • Transporte

Our mission: We engage with, inform and inspire local people, through activities, events, advice and partnerships, to take action on biodiversity loss and climate change for the benefit of our whole community and our planet.

What is the ECO Action Hub?: A shared community space that brings together local people and partnerships to take positive action in the Climate Emergency. Helping people learn about and making small changes in their own lives to combat climate change and loss of biodiversity.

What else do we offer?: We offer a variety of resources such as a Library of Things, Repair Café and Meeting Space, and provides space for a number of local organisations to display materials and host events.

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