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Isla Bowen Regenerativa (antes Bowen en Transición)

Última actualización: Hace 75 días
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Algo activo
  • Crecimiento comunitario
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Compartir, reparar o reutilizar

Regenerative Bowen Island, formerly called Bowen in Transition, has been in existence since 2010, has been mostly inactive since the pandemic, and now has only two ongoing initiatives, the Fix-It Fair (twice a year) and the Bowen Island Food Resilience program (operating a small regen-ag farm and orchard). Prior to the pandemic, it ran and sponsored many programs such as:

• Annual Sustainability Tour / Field Trip

• Tree Planting and Permaculture Events

• Forward Focus Film Series and Transition Library

• Youth in Transition Project

• Canning & Preserving Events

• Community Currency Project: Bowen Bucks (on hiatus)

• Workshops & Games: Resilient Communities, Inner Transition, Meaningful Livelihoods, Sharing Economy

• Climate Change/Carbon Footprint Updates

• Energy Audits and other Renewable Energy Actions

• Liaison with other Transition and Community Groups

• Fix-it Fairs

• Sharing Circles

• The Bowen Green Guide – (currently down to be updated) with resources on Local Food, Transportation, Waste, Water, Local Economy, Gardening & Landscaping, House & Home, Green Consumerism, Resilient Community, Health & Wellness, Arts & Culture

Our current Board consists of 4 Directors: Dave Pollard, Jacqueline Massey, Jackie Bradley, and Paola Qualizza.

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