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Last Updated: 564 days ago

Tras una fase inicial de "reflexión y búsqueda de otros" en 2010, un número suficiente de personas con gran interés se reunieron en enero de 2011 para celebrar la primera reunión fundacional de TT Friburgo. El ritmo de las reuniones se aceleró a medida que más personas se sintieron atraídas y se unieron a los iniciadores. Desde marzo de 2011, TT Freiburg celebra regularmente dos reuniones al mes: una para los recién llegados y otra para los miembros activos. Hasta ahora TT Friburgo está formado por el grupo de coordinación y cuatro subgrupos que son Economía Justa, Corazón y Alma, Jardinería de Guerrilla y Relaciones Públicas. Además, hemos establecido estrechos vínculos con otras organizaciones locales activas en el ámbito de la agricultura apoyada por la comunidad, las energías renovables y la ecología profunda.

In May 2011 all seriously interested members of TT Freiburg participated the fantastic Training for Transition hosted by TT Freiburg in the famous Vauban ecodevelopment quarter. Since the training further activities included public events such as movie screenings (“Voices of the Transition“, “In Transition 1.0“) and presentations (“The Great Transformation” written by the scientific advisory board for global environmental issues of the German Government). The pinnacle of our first six months in existance was a visit of two members of our group at the Annual Transition Town Conference in Liverpool, UK.

Currently we are preparing for the second six-months cycle of TT Freiburg, which will focus on strategic and organisational capacity building and strengthening of group activities. In August, TT Freiburg hosted a workshop together with TT France at the European Network Academy for social movements in Freiburg. For autumn, it is planned to organise further movie screenings, engage in project development work and participate in a project organised by the local city council. The formation of further sub-groups is envisaged (e.g. on education, re-skilling, TT festival) and it is planned to strengthen networking with other local groups and residents.

(este texto es de 2011 ...)

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