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Kirkland en transición

Last Updated: 170 days ago
At least 6 members of the original group are still active in various committees, boards, or other groups that embody many of the principles or goals of the Transition Towns network.
No constituido (un grupo de individuos)
No activo
  • Otros proyectos alimentarios
  • Naturaleza
  • Creación de redes locales
  • Justicia social / Actividades para una transición justa
  • Energía
  • Transporte
As I emailed in 2021 when our group was last checked on, "we are sort of dormant as a Transition group. All of the active members are still here, and are still very active in various ways, but not specifically as a Transition group, though most of the things we are active in do advance Transition's goals -- we are members of our local Indivisible group, a Climate Smart Communities group and subcommittees on Complete Streets and food waste disposal, a local hike/bike trails initiative, our town Democratic committee, different faith-based or electoral climate and racial justice projects." Since then, most of us have also become members of Wild Ones ( and formed a local chapter, Wild Ones Mohawk Valley, for planting and promoting native and biodiverse habitat for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife -- see and It seems worthwhile keeping the Transition group alive even if not active, so it can be reactivated as necessary.

Kirkland in Transition is part of a movement to envision and work towards a future of interdependence and cooperation. The Transition Town movement has developed a model for meeting the future as resilient, joyful communities. It envisions people working in their own towns to make their locale as diverse, resilient, and vibrant as possible, creating a local community that will grow more of its own food, generate more of its own power, build houses using local materials, and more (you can find more information about the Transition Town movement at The Transition Town movement has a broad range of interests, including energy, food, transportation, economy, green building, and what it calls “reskilling,” the bringing back of the skills that communities relied on a hundred years ago–not in a sentimental, nostalgic way, but looking forward to combine the best of new technology and the essential skills for living without relying on big corporations and fossil fuel for everything.

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