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Spokane Manito

Última actualización: Hace 75 días
July 2023
No constituido (un grupo de individuos)
Algo activo
  • Centro comunitario o actividades
  • Visión comunitaria / trabajo de imaginación
  • Creación de redes locales
  • Compartir, reparar o reutilizar

We’ve heard about climate change, what we need now is to change for the climate.

Spokane Manito is a Transition Group aimed at building communities focused on local climate action and resilience, starting at the neighborhood level.

It is also about brainstorming/exploring/trialing/experimenting/prototyping/etc.

Drastically reducing our reliance on fossil fuels will require political, economic, and social demand as well as change in how we live. Climate action does not need to mean austerity – it can mean efficiency, equity, and justice.


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