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Transition Margaret River

Last Updated: 271 days ago
Monthly Saturday morning "round table" attended by 10-20 people representing volunteer groups with focus on sustainability, environment and social justice Events (approx bimonthly) in partnership with other groups usually attended by approx. 30 people. ur largest partnership event in 2023 was attended by 440 people.
Non constitué (un groupe d'individus)
Très actif
  • La culture communautaire
  • Centre ou activités communautaires
  • Construire des réseaux locaux
Pictorial summary of our themes and projects at https://transitionaustralia.net/group/transition-margaret-river/

Building resilience, sustainability and community in the Margaret River region

Transition Margaret River is a community-led local approach to creating a more sustainable, resilient, happier society in the face of challenges in today’s world, especially climate change, economic uncertainty and unsustainable resource use.

The Augusta Margaret River Shire is located in the south western tip of Australia. It is Wadandi Boodja, home of the Saltwater people. We acknowledge their continuing leadership in caring for country and pay respects to their elders past present, present and emerging. The area is rural with a history of dairy and timber industries which have given way to a world-renowned wine region and tourist destination. It has world-class surfing locations, forests and caves and is a world biodiversity hotspot. Transition Margaret River members are aware of the vulnerability of a small rural community in the time of climate change and economic pressures. We share a commitment to building ways of living that are more connected, more enriching and that recognise the biological and physical limits of the Margaret River Region, and the planet. 

Transition Margaret River celebrated our 10th birthday in 2022.

Contact Transition Margaret River

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