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Manda Venancia, transition in Asturias

Last Updated: 309 days ago
21st April of 2021
Very Active
  • Community Growing
  • Community visioning / imagination work
  • Local economy or new economy projects

Manda Venancia is an association created by woman entrepreneur Noemi Barrientos, aimed at harnessing innovation to unlock the potential of the territory. I bring the knowledge of innovation to local entrepreneurs to help tranform the territory by designing and developing innovative projects in agriculture, forest, farma, energy, industry, infrastructures and movility.

Our aims:

Improve the knowledge of local entrepreneurs about the opportunities that innovation offers us to generate new ways of wealth. Disrupt agriculture, farm, forest, energy, industry, infrastructrures and movility models Return the power to the people of the territory

I organize workshops, conferences and actions to generate and contribute to the dissemination of innovation and trends relatated to Circular Economy, Agronomy, biomimetic design, climate change, waste to resource, bio-based materials, remanufactured, emerging technologies, etc. 


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