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South Hobart Sustainable Community

Last Updated: 236 days ago
We have a facilitators group of about 12 people and then subgroups, with a convenor and members of those. Active volunteers (ie help at events, write submissions, host growers gatherings, etc) probably about 50. We have about 400 members on our mailing list and 1,700 in our facebook group.
Incorporated Association
Very Active
  • Community Growing
  • Other food projects
  • Nature
  • Community hub or activities
  • Festivals, fairs or events
  • Art / creativity
  • Community visioning / imagination work
  • Building local networks
  • Wellbeing or Inner Transition
  • Share, Repair or reuse
  • Energy
  • Transport
We have established a community garden, created a large mural, advocated & made submission on on climate change, active transport, urban planning, sustainability and natural resource management. We facilitated bulk purchases of PV systems, solar hot water, EVs, electric bikes and insullation and we have a food growers group that meets monthly, sharing excess seeds, seedling, produce, wisdom and afternoon tea. We have held 2 community visioning sessions over the years, with about 100 people attending each and creating a vision for where we want to ago and taking the first practical steps towards getting there. We host large public events such as a Resilience Fair, Harvest Festival, educational workshops, etc.
The South Hobart Sustainable Community is a group of residents who are keen to make South Hobart a more sustainable place.   The challenges of climate change and resource depletion make for an uncertain future.  We aim to empower the South Hobart community to envision a future that we can all aspire to, and to start making that happen today.

Who are we?We are residents of South Hobart.We recognize that transitioning to a sustainable way of life is one of the key challenges of the 21st century.We want to work together and share what we learn along the way.We feel that the most effective change at the moment can happen at the community level, and that the future will bring greater reliance on local resources and local people.We remain optimistic and aim for a fun, friendly and fulfilling place to live.

How will we achieve our aims?

Embrace appropriate technology to communicate, power our homes, live well and grow our food. Treat South Hobart as an experimental model of sustainability. Excite friends and family to roll up their sleeves and help out. Reconnect with each other to strengthen South Hobart community spirit. Learn from community groups with similar aims.

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