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Stamford Transition Town

Last Updated: 8 days ago

Stamford Transition Town aims to inspire, encourage, network, and support the broader Stamford community to use resources wisely and build community.   Different members have interests in energy, transport issues, preventing waste, local food and growing,  and education, and meet in groups to plan activities addressing some of these issues.   We are partners in Stamford Community Garden, and work closely with other local groups such as Fairtrade and Stamford Community Orchard Group.   We raise awareness through playing an active part in established local events, and support relevant national campaigns such as Close the Door and umbrellas for activity such as Climate Week.  In the autumn and winter we have a series of monthly,  themed social events.  Over the spring and summer,  meetings of the whole group are sometimes convened to bring together the “issues” groups.   

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