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Sustainable Devizes

Last Updated: 108 days ago

Sustainable Devizes Network was formed in 2008 by several individuals and representatives of various community groups who wished to form a climate friendly group.

For the first four years the group was fairly active, compiling a local food directory, raising awareness of the local issues including global impacts. This included hosting talks, film nights and exchanging experiences with other groups. Initially by holding events on a bi monthly basis alongside regular monthly meetings. The group organised 3 Seed Swap events with stalls offering specialist advice. Other events included hosting 2 Low Energy Devizes (LED) events, which showcased local environmental businesses and other initiatives, plus giving advice on energy saving measures. We also included a thermal imaging project. For various reasons the group’s prime movers had to step down in 2013 and the group was dormant for a while. At the end of 2014 an Inaugural General Meeting was held, which agreed to relaunch the group and strive to become a Transition Initiative. Monthly meetings were reinstated and we now have a Management Team which has been meeting regularly ever since. At the beginning of 2016 we were successful in obtaining official recognition as a Transition initiative. We have also brought Cycle Devizes and Devizes Passengers under our banner and have recently launched our new website. Several Seed Swap events have been held and we have another LED event planned for later in 2017. Also various other ventures are being developed ranging from identifying potential micro hydro locations to helping develop Community Gardens and a Food Assembly.

We are still a small group but we have great ambitions. New members are most welcome. Please contact us for further information.

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