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Sustainable Macleod Inc

Last Updated: 450 days ago

Sustainable Macleod aims to build a resilient local community, encouraging residents to shop locally, produce and share their own food, use environmentally-friendly transport and undertake other activities to promote sustainability.

Sustainable Macleod undertakes advocacy on local and global issues, including the Climate Emergency, food security and biodiversity.

Projects by Sustainable Macleod include the highly successful Vegie Swap, now in its 12th year, and now in its ninth year, the Sustainable Macleod Community Garden, established in 2015. We have a Tool Library and seed bank for members and sale of plants raised in the Garden. We run regular workshops on a wide range of activities.

We have a comprehensive monthly newsletter covering gardening, horticulture, biodiversity, waste and clean energy. Our website is updated constantly and includes an extensive archived Blog.

We actively seek and create partnerships in the community, including with the local Council, Macleod College and the local traders. During covid, our membership doubled and stood at 240 at the end of 2022. We have a broad reach through Facebook and our website.

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