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Last Updated: 8 days ago

Taunton Transition Town is a group of individuals from the community working together to meet the twin challenges of Peak Oil and Climate Change. Taunton became an official Transition Initiative in August 2008 and has links with our neighbouring Transition communities in Somerset and beyond, and with Taunton Deane and Somerset County Councils.

TTT aims to increase awareness and bring people together to work within the community to facilitate change in key areas of life such as transport, housing, energy use, health, food production and work.

Together as a community we will work on an energy descent plan for Taunton with a range of projects across all areas of life to rebuild the resilience lost as a result of cheap oil. In doing so we hope to make drastic reductions in carbon emissions. We also believe we can improve the quality of life for people in Taunton and the well-being of the community as a whole.

We meet approximately every 2 months. Please email us if you would like to be involved. You will be very welcome.

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