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Transition Bewdley

Last Updated: 8 days ago

A small group that has in the past run Energy, Food and Land groups. Currently run: A monthly Repair Café (third Saturday of each month in St. Georges Hall). Annual Greener Living Fair in partnership with Wyre Forest District Council. Green Drinks evening once a month. Actively supporting Worcestershire Food Links developing a network of local farmers, growers, producers, retailers and caterers. Seeking to start an electric car club.

We initiated Plastic Free Bewdley and continue to actively work with others including the Town Council on gaining accreditation as a Plastic Free Community. Our Energy group developed a proposal for a community funded 2MW ground mounted solar farm which nearly came to fruition but the land-owners pulled out at the last minute.Energy group continue to monitor the national scene and look for local opportunities to develop renewable energy projects. We have run renewable energy trails, energy conservation awareness and addressed issues of insulation etc. in the conservation area.

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