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Transition Wayland

Last Updated: 598 days ago

Transition Wayland ( got started in 2011 and was very active until 2017 with a strong core group and a large volunteer pool. Over the years we organized several Earth Day Festivals (one running an entire weekend), a packed In Transition 1.0 screening (which features our initiative), two successful Solarize campaigns (the first of which jump-started the high adoption of solar in our town), uncountable workshops and conversations on climate change, adaptation/resilience, beekeeping, gardening, mushroom cultivation, regenerative ecology, permaculture, grief work, home funerals and green burial, trash and recycling, household energy systems, etc. We helped ban the use of plastic bags and styrofoam food containers through our Town Meeting. Our extensive “Big List” still moves people on campaigns such as Community Choice Aggregation and a Climate Emergency Declaration (both for 2020).

In 2017, we ended by spinning off into several separate projects, among them a thriving community gardening group, a beekeepers support group, and Energize Wayland ( Another result was the founding of the non-profit MassEnergize (, which creates the tools that were on our community organizers wish lists.

In view of the crisis in 2020, the old core group is working on relaunching the initiative.

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