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Iver Villages Átmenet

Utolsó frissítés: 51 nappal ezelőtt
Nem konstituált (egyének csoportja)
Nagyon aktív
  • Közösségi növekedés
  • Természet
  • Művészet / kreativitás
  • Közösségi jövőképalkotás / képzeletbeli munka
  • Helyi hálózatok kiépítése
  • Jólét vagy belső átmenet
  • Megosztás, javítás vagy újrafelhasználás
  • Energia
We've started to discuss "Launch" the essential guide for transition groups and early work including: Community Mapping, a Listening Campaign, wider conversations with other existing community groups individuals and a Launch Event 2024 ... perhaps a day long drop -in event with workshops, stalls etc ...Forming and working towards Storming

Iver Villages Transition – acting local, thinking global

Iver Villages Transition otherwise (aka Iver Villages Together) is a group of residents involved in other large-scale community-led projects including affordable homes and wildlife recovery.

These projects are on-going.

Inspired by the Transition Movement we are keen to explore in parallel several smaller scale projects, which would help maintain the enthusiasm and cohesion of these whilst also address pressing local needs and reinforce existing social capital.

We currently have a lively WhatsApp group created as a safe place to freely and without judgement  – off Facebook therefore ! – to explore high social and environmental value -low cost- high engagement- low carbon – projects which could be run with just two or three members supported by the wider group.

These are : Ivers Time Bank – ITB, Repair ‘n’ Share, Wild-er Walks, Village Stuff Podcasts and The Slow Pub Crawl

Watch this space !


Kapcsolat Iver Villages Átmenet
