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St Albans sostenibile

Last Updated: 59 days ago
The largest numbers relate to our annual sustainability festival ("SuStFest"), we also run markets, repair fairs and thermal imaging camera training and loan schemes which are popular
2009 as "Transition St Albans" before evolving into "Sustainable St Albans" in 2017
La carità
Molto attivo
  • Altri progetti alimentari
  • Festival, fiere o eventi
  • Visione comunitaria / lavoro di immaginazione
  • Costruire reti locali
  • Condividere, riparare o riutilizzare
  • Energia

Sustainable St Albans is an environmental charity working to help the city and district of St Albans (“the District”) to become a more environmentally sustainable place, in response to the climate and ecological crises that we face.

Sustainable St Albans raises awareness of these issues across the District, provides organisations and residents with information about the climate actions that they can take, and runs practical carbon-cutting projects.

Contatto St Albans sostenibile

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