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Kendal en South Lakes

Last Updated: 505 days ago

South Lakes Action on Climate Change - Towards Transition is een samenvoeging van twee groepen, South Lakes Action on Climate Change en Transition South Lakes.

De twee groepen zijn in 2009 gefuseerd om effectiever te kunnen werken aan een veerkrachtige en fossielvrije toekomst voor South Lakeland.

Onze kerndoelen zijn de volgende:

To increase awareness of local and global issues surrounding Climate Change and Peak Oil. To reduce South Lakeland’s overall Green House Gas emissions and dependence on Fossil Fuels. To establish and support South Lakeland as a Transition District. To take every reasonable step to minimise the Green House Gas emissions resulting from the groups’ activities.

We achieve these aims by a mixture of community projects, awareness raising, campaigning and regular events.  For more information visit our website at

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