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Belmont Sustentável Agora

Última actualização: 189 dias atrás
I am focused on shifting local building code practices to facilitate rocket mass heaters. I am starting neighborhood collaboration toward regenerative governance also and know about 20 of my immediate neighbors already.
Não constituído (um grupo de indivíduos)
Muito ativo
  • Crescimento comunitário
  • Arte / criatividade
  • Criação de redes locais
  • Bem-estar ou Transição Interior
  • Energia
  • Outros

The best book I’ve seen yet on how to remove one’s individual impact from the problem side of the equation is Building a Better World in Your Backyard, for cold climate residents.  I’m doing the work and have taken an inventory of my carbon, petroleum, and water use for the past two years.  I want to make solid progress and want to exchange support on this.  I would like to inspire Orange to change from a standpoint of leading by example.

Contacto Belmont Sustentável Agora

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