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Omställning Alingsås

Last Updated: 659 days ago

We formed a stearing group 3 november 2009.  We have a local home page att http://www.omstallningalingsas.seWe are meeting on a local café every monday evening. We have several workinggroups. Every Thursday our bike kitchen is open for anyone that wants to come and mend their bike. On Sundays the gardening group meets on the piece of land that we borrow from the municipality in the city park. On Saturdays during the summer we arrange a flea-market in town for anyone to come without cost to sell what they do not need. Our heart and soul group meet more irregulary and the core group meets every month.

We arrange a future week in march together with other organisations and the municipality. 2014 there where 120 events in Alingsås and the sourrounding country-side during one week. 

Today we have 14 people that have done Transition Launch, Two people who have attended Transition Thrive and Two persons that have gone through The Train The Trainers course. On top of that we have three persons who have completed the Permaculture course of 72 hours. 


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