Eaym Green Group
Eyam Green group was formed in 2018 after showing the film “The Age of Stupid” in the village. The idea to do something about climate change came from the floor of the meeting which was open to all residents.
Eyam har en lång tradition av att hitta lösningar på problem. År 1665 bröt pesten ut när ett loppinfekterat tygpaket anlände från London. Byn isolerade sig för att undvika att sprida smittan.
We decided our first actions should concentrate on food because it is the one thing that unites us all no matter who we are or where we come from. Food is responsible for approximately 26% of global GHG emissions from growing, distributing, and disposing of waste.
We began with leaflets at community events like the monthly repair cafe meetings. As part of our zero waste 2030 initiative we designed a composting project to reduce the amount of material going to council waste services. Making compost is something almost everybody can do and it produces a much-needed soil amendment that improves soil fertility and locks up carbon dioxide.
Finansiering har erhållits från Derbyshire County Council och Derbyshire Dales District Council. I mars 2020 installerade vi en liten demonstrationskompostbehållare för livsmedel i kyrkocentret och vanliga kompostbehållare för behandling av gräsklipp och löv på kyrkogården.
A programme of talks and composting demonstrations was scheduled to begin in April 2020 but had to be postponed due to Covid-19. As an alternative we setup online workshops which have been well received with a total of 120 participants signed up. Feedback has been excellent with requests to repeat the workshops on a rolling basis.
Vårt engagemang är att visa att det är genom att vara inkluderande och dela med sig av kunskap och färdigheter som vi kan bekämpa klimatförändringarna, precis som det skedde 1665. Vi tror helhjärtat att samhället kan göra Eyam till ett avfalls- och koldioxidfritt område senast 2030.