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Transition The Grove Inc

Last Updated: 153 days ago
We aim to only 'keep' regularly participating members. This is for deep trust and connection to grow. No lurkers or hangers on. At our Repair Cafe, we are also steadily building regular customers.
Incorporated association
Дуже активний
  • Зростання спільноти
  • Інші продовольчі проекти
  • Побудова локальних мереж
  • Місцева економіка або проекти нової економіки
  • Поділіться, відремонтуйте або використовуйте повторно
  • Інше
Local health resilience focus very active too.

На північному заході Брісбена це перехідне містечко активно функціонує з 2010 року.

Ми застосовуємо "портфельний" підхід до розбудови стійкості в нашій місцевості, яка визначається верхньою частиною водозбірного басейну річки Кедрон (Евертон-Хіллз, Арана-Хіллз, Ферні-Хіллз, Ферні-Гроув, Верхній Кедрон, Кеперра, Гроувлі, Мітчелтон, Гейторн та деякі райони Еногери).

We look at local health, lifelong learning, environment, energy, governance, water, transport, culture, building, natural resources, business & finance, recreation, food production, security, facilities, waste reduction & building non-renewable resources locally, and soil.

Over the years, we have contributed in a variety of ways in The Grove. Our Constitution is designed to allow us to support new local initiatives get started.

Our current major initiative is Repair Cafe The Grove, which started in August 2022 and is a vibrant event on the fourth Saturday morning of each month 9am-noon at the Grovely-Mitchelton Scout Hall. We also joined the Men’s Shed Association and are a Men’s Shed, and we get our insurance cover through them.

We find that supportive relationships between members are a key to resilience, so we meet in our homes taking turns as hosts, share meals, visit each other socially and become friends including each other in our lives, share resources, help each other, and build trust and affection.

We mix deep philosophical and experiential learning about resilience and are on a journey. We belong to other local groups and are very active in our community.

We have developed serious expertise and understanding of the concept of ‘local’ which we think is a very powerful concept to apply in our lives.

Контакти Transition The Grove Inc

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