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Районний центр Поттсвілль-Біч

Останнє оновлення: 145 днів тому
Дуже активний
  • Зростання спільноти
  • Інші продовольчі проекти
  • Природа
  • Осередок спільноти або заходи
  • Фестивалі, ярмарки або заходи
  • Робота над баченням громади / робота з уявою
  • Побудова локальних мереж
  • Діяльність у сфері соціальної справедливості/справедливого переходу
  • Молодіжні або освітні проекти
  • Поділіться, відремонтуйте або використовуйте повторно
  • Енергія

PBNC is a busy and socially inclusive centre which operates within a multipurpose complex (located next to the Pottsville HealthOne Centre – an integrated community health centre/medical centre) servicing residents on the NSW Tweed Coast, and neighbouring areas. It has numerous buildings, services, programs, and events which are managed for community benefit. It has robust infrastructure but no recurrent funding. It has a proven record in forging and maintaining partnerships to address disadvantage.

PBNC’s vision is to maintain and support a community that is strong, inclusive and connected. Its mission includes developing and maintaining partnerships to provide services and supports based on identified need to improve the quality of life of its community. PBNC has a priority focus on the needs of those who are socially, economically and geographically disadvantaged. PBNC has a robust system of management across the entire organisation and is well known for its community work and positive results.

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