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Пелла Тіль

Мови: English, Svenska
Теми: Inner Transition, Other, Transition Launch, Transition Talk
Країни: Finland, Norway, Sweden
Регіони: any

Біографія вашого тренера/фасилітатора

Participating in the Launch course in 2009 made me commit to Transition Network. I have co-founded several local initiatives and was part of founding the swedish hub Omställningsnätverket, where I was the chair of the board the first years.  I have been practising as a trainer since 2012. Took the Train the trainers course in 2014 and have been facilitating one or two launch courses every year. I am also a teacher in the swedish version of 1 Year in Transition and co-lead a year long course in ecopsychology. I have been working in- depth with The Work that Reconnects and with Common Cause, values for sustainability.

Контакти Пелла Тіль

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