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会说话的树 - 斯泰因

最后更新58 天前
CIC (社区利益公司)
  • 社区成长
  • 其他食品项目
  • 自然
  • 社区中心或活动
  • 艺术/创造力
  • 社区远景规划/想象力工作
  • 建立当地网络
  • 地方经济或新经济项目
  • 社会正义/公正过渡活动
  • 共享、修复或再利用
  • 能源

Talking Tree will be a shared space dedicated to building community and improving our local environment. It will be a welcoming place for people to meet and share skills, ideas, and information that will address the issues that affect us all, such as fuel and food poverty, loneliness, the coronavirus pandemic, and the climate and ecological emergency. Our on-site café will be serving a vegetarian/vegan menu and we will have an inspiring programme of music, film, arts, crafts talks and workshops providing practical help on how to live more sustainably. Together we can build a better Spelthorne.

We have signed the lease for our building with Spelthorne Borough Council and started work on transforming the former betting shop. We are posting pictures of the work being done on the ‘Venue’ page.

Talking Tree is being established by a group of volunteers who are concerned about the climate emergency and who want the local community to be informed about the causes and effects of climate change and what they are able to do about them.

We welcome individuals and groups that share our principles to get involved in Talking Tree and to share the space.

The name ‘Talking Tree’ is linked to the name of Spelthorne, which is derived from the Saxon for ‘Speaking Tree’, a place where local people from different groups would meet to discuss important issues.

联系我们 会说话的树 - 斯泰因
