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About Toulouse : Located in South West of France, Toulouse is the 4th French city in size. It is the capital of Occitania, former name of French South regions that used to have a specific culture and language (the Occitan). It is also known as “la ville rose” (the pink city) thanks to its specific architecture using terracota bricks. Nowadays, it is more known as being the main city in Europe for aeronautics and space industry (Airbus in particular) and the main city for rugby in France. For more details see

About Toulouse in Transition : Following the public presentation of “In Transition 1.0” in November 2010, we have constituted a core group for raising awareness about transition issues and Transition itself and launching projects in the city. Some achievements since then : – numerous practical animations : permaculture, green rooftops, self-made toothpate and other products… – launch of the local network of Repairs Café (Café Bricol’ : ) – 3 neighbourhoods launched in Transition and 2 associated groups, for a local declination of Transition ; – building of a local network of NGOs around transition (Ensemble en Transition) ; – co-organisator of several festival (including Alternatiba on sept. 2015, 35000+ visitors) ; – launch of a local citizen energy cooperative :

A historic of events we organised so far, apart from the numerous meetings of the working groups :

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