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Join us on our quest Six decades following the discovery of the Keeling Curve, we are finally coming to the realization that maybe we can’t control nature after all.

The phrase Saving the Planet is catchy but misleading. The planet has been around way before we showed up and will continue long after we are gone. Let’s be honest. What we are currently trying to save is ourselves.

La buena noticia es que cada uno de nosotros tiene el poder de cambiar... si nos permitimos imaginar, actuar y hacer realidad nuestras ideas.

Viena Circular tiene un objetivo en mente, y es conseguir que el mayor número de personas se sientan capacitadas para que alcancemos los objetivos climáticos, redefinamos y logremos una calidad de vida para todos los habitantes de esta gran ciudad... y mucho más.

This city belongs to us. That means we have the right to start modeling and co-creating a city we want to live in.

We need your help to make this happen. Come join us!

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