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Transition Llambed (Lampeter)

Last Updated: 8 days ago

Lampeter Transition Initiative is named “Transition Llambed”, a combination of the English word ‘Transition’ and the colloquialism ‘Llambed’ which is the informal Welsh name for Lampeter – formally, Llanbedr Pont Steffan.

Following a packed meeting in 2007 at which Rob Hopkins spoke, Transition Llambed was launched. Over the next 3 years, having gained an RDP grant, in partnership with Menter Llambed and Ymlaen Ceredigion, we developed an Energy Descent Action Plan and put on numerous films and discussions, workshops and other awareness-raising events. Subsequently we applied successfully for funds to develop the Victoria Hall in Lampeter as a community hub. The Hall is now run by a non-profit social enterprise, Transition Llambed Development Trust, and hosts, among other things, a local market for food producers and craftspeople with a community café; live music nights; a youth drama group; a local church; various classes; and a monthly folk night. Victoria Hall is supported by a group of local volunteers and has its own website which hosts our own page – see link at bottom of page.

As hoped, and in line with Transition principles of subsidiarity (for more info, see https://transition.loc/about-the-movement/what-is-transition/principles-2), the Hall has become a springboard from which other local initiatives have been able to take off, such as Celf Llambed, bringing live and local music to Lampeter, and the Lampeter Food Project, where volunteers create a weekly community meal from local food surplus. As with many community movements and organisms, Transition Llambed has experienced periods of greater and lesser energy in building on community resilience, but it has always had a close connection with Lampeter Permaculture Group – see – and has also aimed to work closely with the Town Council and University. In 2018, we have: * the very popular monthly local newsletter Grapevine – * a well-established joint film group, showing films of hope to raise awareness and stimulate local action * a local seed library started in November 2017 by LPG, to establish a stock of locally grown and saved seed, which is affiliated to the Gaia Foundation’s UK + Ireland Seed Sovereignty Project * the launch of an Incredible Edible initiative in the town – * the beginnings of a regular Repair Café to share and grow skills. Come and join us – ymunwch â ni! We actively welcome Welsh speakers and want to develop and grow bilingually.

Contact Transition Llambed (Lampeter)

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