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Transition Streets Geelong

Laatst bijgewerkt: 159 dagen geleden
Projects are somewhat scattered... depending on funding from council, and the projects run.
Ongeconstitueerd (een groep individuen)
Enigszins actief
  • Groeiende gemeenschap
  • Festivals, beurzen of evenementen
  • Lokale netwerken opbouwen
  • Delen, repareren of hergebruiken

Transition Streets Geelong is all about empowerment and connection… with ourselves and what we care about. With our families, our communities and the ecosystems we love and depend on as biological creatures. They are a way of bringing many people on board who are thinking globally and acting locally.

A lot of people doing a lot of small steps adds up to big action. As well it’s creative, supportive and fun.

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