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Overgang Bondi

Laatst bijgewerkt: 291 dagen geleden
Enigszins actief
  • Groeiende gemeenschap
  • Andere voedselprojecten
  • Natuur
  • Gemeenschapshub of activiteiten
  • Festivals, beurzen of evenementen
  • Kunst / creativiteit
  • Gemeenschapsvisie / verbeelding
  • Lokale netwerken opbouwen
  • Projecten lokale economie of nieuwe economie
  • Welzijn of innerlijke overgang
  • Activiteiten voor sociale rechtvaardigheid/rechtvaardige overgang
  • Jeugd- of onderwijsprojecten
  • Delen, repareren of hergebruiken

Transition Bondi is a community group in Sydney, Australia, based on the principles of the global Transition Town movement. Through workshops and events, such as our popular Film & Feast night, a monthly garden bee at our community garden and a farmers market stall for free bike tune-ups and training, Transition Bondi brings people together to share, learn and be active in creating a more sustainable community and world. We believe addressing the big issues of our time, from food security to dependence on fossil fuels, starts at the local level. Transition Bondi welcomes volunteers to assist with its many community projects.

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