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Halcyon Community

Laatst bijgewerkt: 36 dagen geleden
Ongeconstitueerd (een groep individuen)
Zeer actief
  • Groeiende gemeenschap
  • Andere voedselprojecten
  • Natuur
  • Gemeenschapsvisie / verbeelding
  • Lokale netwerken opbouwen
  • Welzijn of innerlijke overgang
Immediate goals: 1. Gather more people for community collaboration 2. Scout for and acquire land 3. Harmonize personal dynamics for group cohesion as we prep for solar disasters (the electrical grid going down, and a solar micro-nova with attendant earthquakes, floods, lightning storms, etc.) 4. Build out physical infrastructure 5. Get food production to self-sufficiency. Interested individuals can contact us for a community prospectus document that outlines the vision, mission, values, community aspects, requirements, skills we are looking for, roles needed, and what we are preparing for in terms of what we anticipate in relation to the Cataclysm.

HALCYON   Intentional Community


We, as a global culture, are in transition. The unsustainability of current structures – predatory resource extraction, top-down governments, decision-making by non-human entities (artificial intelligence), irresponsible economics, corruption of corporate-governmental alliances, and people’s declining health and emotional well-being – is reaching its inherent downfall.

Halcyon Community is preparing now for when these structures have fallen into rubble. We focus on healing from our traumas in that damaging Dominator Culture, and gather our strength to participate in a Partnership Culture. We return to a balanced lifestyle, as we put our hands in the earth, both to construct our dwellings and to grow our food. We are creating a sanctuary for people to live in a more life-affirming way. We are joining forces to revive sustainable lifeways (such as regenerative agriculture, eco-building with local earth materials, permaculture design, tribal-inspired sociocracy, and a barter/ gift/ $$$ economy). We return to human-scale relationships, non-harmful technology, healthy habits, time for spiritual practices and fulfilling work, village economics, and cooperative projects. In other words: a safe place to raise healthy children.

We feel the urgent need to get our community well established, due to the predictions of coming disasters. It is documented that Earth’s magnetic field is dropping, and within the next few years, it is likely that a solar flare or CME (coronal mass ejection) will penetrate our weakened magnetic shield and fry the global electrical grid. In that moment, we will be thrust into a pre-industrial world – without electricity, banking, internet, gas pumps, supply chains. By then, we must be secure in our food sovereignty, water resources, human networks, and spiritual fortitude.

Beyond the above-mentioned “solar kill shot”, greater disturbances are expected. It is predicted that before 2050, our Sun will emit a micro-nova, whose impact on our planet could result in earthquakes, Noah-style floods, volcanic eruptions, mega-lightning storms, and even a shift of the poles. (References:)

———- for data on the poles:::::::

———- Cataclysmic Event Will Revert Us To The Dark Ages :::::::::

———– THE Earth Disaster Documentary ::::::::::::

Such Cataclysms happen cyclically, and despite widespread annihilation, there have always been survivors. (We are the proof). We invite those courageous souls who would like to be part of a group who will build the New Earth, in preparation for the destruction cycle. Join us!  Let us go through these major transitions together.


Our community demonstrates a working model for the New Earth of how human beings can live in harmony with each other and with Nature, as a foundation for future generations. Our goal is to live largely independent from techno-industrial society, as we transition to a sovereign, sustainable, healthy, spiritually integrated culture.


We co-create a community to unlearn toxic lifeways of civilization and learn/prove/practice healthy lifeways useful to the Next Culture/New Earth.

We are a group choosing consciously to survive the imminent economic/political/geophysical collapse and to build together a cultural “Ark” for those inspired to move into the New Era. We are in service to the future, as we understand that all are One. May we set the stage for great possibility and achievement.


We are a bilingual community (English/Spanish), and welcome all ages.

For more information, feel free to contact us:



Foundation for Intentional Communities – Halcyon Community

Global Ecovillage Network – Halcyon Community (Español) (English)

Ecobasa – Halcyon Community

Permies – Halcyon Community

Freedom Cell Network – Halcyon Community (account required)

Solar Killshot Action Network | Micronova Survival Groups – Halcyon Community (account required)


Catastrophism Substack



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