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Övergång Wicklow

Last Updated: 252 days ago
This is an estimate across two key organisations in the network - A permaculture education project and and urban hub- details can be found on the link above
Okonstituerad (en grupp av individer)
Mycket aktiv
  • Växande gemenskap
  • Andra livsmedelsprojekt
  • Natur
  • Centrum för gemenskap eller aktiviteter
  • Festivaler, mässor eller evenemang
  • Konst / kreativitet
  • Visioner för samhället/arbete med fantasi
  • Uppbyggnad av lokala nätverk
  • Välbefinnande eller inre förändring
  • Ungdoms- eller utbildningsprojekt
  • Dela, reparera eller återanvända
Most of these activities are carried out through or in connection with and The structures and people are ever evolving new ways of organizing and learning. Its a dynamic world and adaptiveness is a critical element of everything going on in these networks and groups.

Beginning in 2010 as WOW (Wicklow and Our World) a small temporary initiating steering group ran Transition events and trainings over a period of a few years. This work help initiate a number of local activities, projects and programmes which are listed on this page. wicklow-sustainable-living-network 

Individuals from this network continue to engage with other Transition work and aligned networks such as permaculture, sociocracy, regenerative economy groups, around the world to inform their practice. Please reach out to us via our websites and socials.

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