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Klimatsmart Cloughmills

Last Updated: 227 days ago
We are only really beginning our journey after a period of reflection and planning
Ganska aktiv
  • Växande gemenskap
  • Andra livsmedelsprojekt
  • Natur
  • Centrum för gemenskap eller aktiviteter
  • Visioner för samhället/arbete med fantasi
  • Uppbyggnad av lokala nätverk
  • Projekt för lokal ekonomi eller ny ekonomi
  • Välbefinnande eller inre förändring
  • Dela, reparera eller återanvända
  • Energi

ClimateSmart Cloughmills builds on over 20 years of environmental action by Cloughmills Community Action Team.  This new campaign group, inspired by those who have driven environmental action in Cloughmills, draws together all the climate related action we have undertaken.  We want to demonstrate that a transition to a climate just community presents opportunities for rather than denying or restricting a better quality of life.  We manage a series of activities and programmes under the headings of:

Natural environment Energy/resource use Food Active travel Waste

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