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To enter health check scores for your group please login, or register for a new account.

Once you’re logged in, please click the Add Healthcheck button on your group page.

The Transition Health check is a great tool to help your group analyse what’s going well and also identify areas you could develop to make your Transition group more effective.

It is very important to state upfront that the Health check is not a test that you pass or fail. In fact, one of the best things about the healthcheck is that it brings your group together to reflect on what you have achieved over the last year.

This can be a really empowering experience because it is something we rarely do, as we have a tendency to focus on the next new exciting Transition thing we want to do.

This healthcheck has been designed to help your Transition Group:

  • Reflect on where your group is at, and spark conversations about what’s working well, what could be strengthened, as well as what isn’t working and needs to change
  • Celebrate your strengths, successes and your failures as they are also great learning experiences
  • Identify areas which might need more work, skills, or resources
  • Clarify appropriate next steps – which might include focusing on less things
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